1 John Series: Finding Joy in Fellowship

Finding Joy in Fellowship: A Reflection on 1 John

Good morning, friends! As we gather together this week, I want to take a moment to reflect on the powerful message we shared during our service. We began our journey through the book of 1 John, where the Apostle John reminds us of the profound joy that comes from fellowship—with God and with one another.

John opens his letter with a passionate declaration about the reality of Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. He emphasizes that he and the other apostles didn’t just hear about Jesus; they saw Him, touched Him, and experienced His life firsthand. This is not just a historical account; it’s an invitation for us to understand that Jesus is real and that He desires a relationship with us. John writes, “What we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us”.

Fellowship, or *koinonia*, is more than just sharing a meal or a conversation. It’s about a deep, transformative connection that changes who we are. In Christ, we are made alive, and we share in this divine nature. This is a mystery that we can hardly comprehend, but it’s a beautiful truth that we can embrace. As John states, “These things we write so that our joy may be made complete”.

When we come together as a church, we are not just a group of individuals; we are a family. We are called to share our lives, our joys, and our struggles with one another. This is what it means to belong—to truly be known and to know others deeply. It’s about being generous and open-handed, caring for one another in ways that reflect the love of Christ.

As we reflect on our own lives, I encourage you to consider: Do we see those around us who are not yet in fellowship with Jesus? Are we using language and actions that invite them in? John’s example teaches us to be aware of those who may feel like outsiders and to find creative ways to share the love of Christ with them.

Let us pray for open eyes and hearts that are willing to reach out. May we be overjoyed when new people come to know Christ and experience the fellowship that we cherish. Together, let’s strive to create a community where everyone feels welcomed and loved, just as we have been welcomed and loved by our Savior.

As we move forward this week, may we carry this message of joy and fellowship in our hearts. Let’s be intentional about connecting with one another and inviting others into this beautiful journey of faith. God bless you all!

Ryan Massey

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